A field visit has been arranged to Carding Mill Valley on Monday 21st September 2015 as part of the GCSE Geography course. A coach will leave Lowe Hill at 9.15 a.m. returning by 3.20 p.m. The cost will be £8.50 per student, which will cover transport, insurance and tuition from the National Trust.

The visit is for students to collect data for their controlled assessment coursework which is a compulsory element of the GCSE Geography course accounting for 25% of the final grade. Obviously it is vital that this work is completed to ensure that your son/daughter is set up to obtain the best possible GCSE Geography grade. Students do not have to wear school uniform, but exemplary behaviour is expected. Students will need to bring a packed lunch with them, however pupils on free school meals will be given a lunch. Pupils will also need a waterproof, hat and wellingtons (although old trainers will do) to enable access into the river.  This is in addition to appropriate footwear to deal with rough, hilly and possibly muddy tracks such as walking boots or trainers. They should also bring a pencil/pen/clipboard. All equipment to enable students to measure the river along with recording sheets will be provided by the National Trust.

I would also like to inform you that your child’s controlled assessment coursework, following this visit, will be completed during lessons and as homework during the first half term and will be handed in before or during the week beginning Monday 23rd November 2015. I would obviously appreciate your support in ensuring that this work is completed and is handed in on time. I cannot stress enough the importance of this work – it is the only piece of coursework in Geography and accounts for 25% of the final mark. All homework will relate to the coursework between now and half term and your child will ALWAYS have something to do at home to improve their work!

Under the requirements of the Education Reform Act 1988, we can only raise the cost of the trip by voluntary contributions. There is no obligation to contribute and children will not be treated differently according as to whether or not any contribution has been made. However, the trip can only go ahead if the level of support is sufficient.

Please complete the reply slip below and return with £8.50 to your child’s Geography teacher as soon as possible, and by Friday 18th September 2015 at the very latest. May I take this opportunity to thank you in advance for your help and support with this important piece of work.

Yours sincerely


Subject leader for Geography


To The Geography Department     Pupil’s Name: _________________________________ Form:_____________

I agree to my child attending the Geography Fieldtrip to Carding Mill Valley on 21st September 2015. I enclose £8.50 to cover costs [please make cheques payable to Thomas Adams School General Account with your child’s name, form and Geography trip written on the back]. I am also aware that this coursework must be completed by 23rd November 2015 at the latest.

Signed:______________________________________ [parent/carer] Date:________________________

The Thomas Adams School
Lowe Hill
SY4 5UB 

01939 237000

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