“I really enjoy Thomas Adams because all of the teachers are so friendly and caring”

“I met some great people and had some amazing experiences, I will never forget this boarding house”

Key Information

Whether it be term dates, uniform details, school policies or key information documents, you should be able to find everything you need on these pages. Please click on the links below to find documents about the school, sixth form and boarding. All our school policies are reviewed annually by the Senior Management Team and Board of Governors.

You can either view our key information documents and policies online or download a copy, they are also available from the school.

If you have any further questions or require more information, please contact the school by either telephoning 01939 237000 or by email to contactus@tas.318education.co.uk

** NEW ** Parent/Carer Calendar

New for 2023/2024 – you can download a year to view calendar – Whole School Calendar

School Key Information and Non-Statutory Documents

Absence – Leave of Absence Form

Absence and appointments in school time leaflet

Anti-Bullying Advice Sheet for Parents/Carers

Alternative Provision statement

Assessment Policy

Asthma Health Care Plan Form

CCTV Policy

Contingency Plans in the Event of Disruption to Exams

Disapplication of Students

Exam Results

GCSE Post Results Request Form

GDPR Data Breach Management Procedure

Haldor Homework – guidance for parents and guardians

Home Learning Policy

Marking and Feedback Policy

Medication Consent form

Most Able/Aspiration Policy

Parent Pay

Prevent Policy

Privacy Notice – Governance

Privacy Notice – Pupils/Parents

Privacy Notice – Visitors/Contractors

Prospectus – Thomas Adams School

Parental Reports Explained – Parent Guide (Key Stage 3)

Reports (KS3 Tracking Point) in Arbor – Parent / Guardian Guidance Video

Ofsted – Adams House School and Boarding Aligned Summary – Sept 2023

Ofsted Report – Thomas Adams School – Sept 2023

Ofsted – Summary of Ofsted visit for Young People/Children – Sept 2023

Salop Teaching Alliance

Service Children

Staff List

Subject Access Request Form

Term Dates & Holidays Autumn 2024 to Summer 2025

Term Dates & Holidays Autumn 2025 to Summer 2026

Transport Agreement – Bus Behaviour Policy and Warning Procedures

Transport Application Form

Transport Routes and Timetables


Learning Expectations Overview Assembly

Development of Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural Education Statement

Whistleblowing Policy

Improving Equal Opportunities and Education in a Diverse Society Policy

Information for External Support Services available to Children, Parents and Families

Adult Mental Health

IAPT – Psychological Therapies – IAPT services can support people with mild to moderate mental health issues such as anxiety or low mood.  Includes Silver Cloud online therapy. https://www.mpft.nhs.uk/services/improving-access-psychological-therapies-iapt 0300 123 6020

Access Team – https://shropshireccg.nhs.uk/professional-resources/mental-health-services/

Crisis Team – https://www.mpft.nhs.uk/emergency-help   0808 196 4501.

Oswestry – U&I counselling (low cost counselling service) http://www.uandicounselling.org.uk/ , 0753 044 8000 or email: info@uandicounselling.org.uk.

Early Help volunteer counselling (Ask Alex Morris-Perkins)

Axis – counselling for survivors of sexual abuse. https://www.axiscounselling.org.uk/. Includes support from Independent Sexual Abuse Advisors (ISVA’s).

See Shropshire Council wellbeing pages for more links – https://shropshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/information-for-the-public/mental-health-and-wellbeing/.

Shropshire MIND – Shropshire Mind provides support for any person with emotional or mental health needs, including long term enduring mental health needs or those triggered by recent incidents. Telephone: 01743 368647, Daytime service Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm; Saturday and Sunday 11am to 3pm. Outreach support is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

Mind anger management – https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/anger/treatment-and-support/#AngerManagementProgrammes

TogetherAll – a free-to-access online community for Shropshire residents aged 16 and above for people who are stressed, anxious or feeling low. The service has an active forum with round-the-clock support from trained professionals. You can talk anonymously and confidentially to other members. https://togetherall.com/en-gb/

Bereavement support – https://www.shropshire.gov.uk/bereavement-services/


Children and Young People Mental Health

NHS Pupil Support June 21 what to do if you’re a young person and it’s all getting too much.


Bee-U access team – team of mental health practitioners, undertake assessments and provide interventions as required. The Access Team can be contacted by phoning 0300 124 0093. The new Freephone number is 0808 196 4501

Bee-U crisis team https://camhs.mpft.nhs.uk/urgent-help  0808 196 4501.

Helios – therapeutic support via Skype (need referral from Bee-U access team)

Kooth – Children & Young People aged 11 and above can access free confidential support and counselling from Kooth, which is an online service, without a referral. https://www.kooth.com/

BEAM – drop-in to talk to a practitioner from Children’s Society (above Palmers café in Shrewsbury) – currently offering a phone back service during covid-19. https://shropshire.gov.uk/the-send-local-offer/mental-and-emotional-health-and-wellbeing-service/beam/

Young Minds – resources, text service, parent helpline. https://youngminds.org.uk

Think Ninja app. https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/thinkninja/

Mental health practitioners in schools pilot (Oswestry area).


Parenting Support

NHS Advice for Parents June 21 – how to support a young person if you are concerned about their mental health

Shropshire Council Parenting Team: Offer courses (virtually currently), for more information please call 01743 250950 or visit https://shropshire.gov.uk/early-help/practitioners/the-early-help-offer-provision-of-early-help-services/parenting-programmes/ 

Understanding Your Child ‘Solihull Approach’ website – free courses with code ‘DARWIN18’, and resources/tips – more information here https://solihullapproachparenting.com/

Shropshire larder – advice regarding how to manage with getting food on a low budget https://www.shropshirelarder.org.uk/

Worrying about money? A useful leaflet offering financial advice and support if you’re struggling to make ends meet Worrying about money leaflet (Shropshire)


Shropshire Community Health Trust (School Nurse) Useful Contacts

Shropshire Safeguarding Community Partnership (SSCP)

Child Exploitation in Shropshire leaflet


Are you a parent carer of a chIld or young person who is on SEN support or has an EHCP?  Shropshire’s SEND Local Offer has lots of information, support and resources for parents/carers of children with SEND including education, EHCPs, health and wellbeing, early help, family support, financial support, transport, things to do and lots more.  Take a look at the local offer website on the following link: www.shropshire.gov.uk/the-send-local-offer

The Thomas Adams School
Lowe Hill
SY4 5UB 

01939 237000

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