“There are so many activities and challenges you can do all year”

“Lessons are engaging and the teachers are staff are very helpful”

“Very supportive, whilst at the same time allowing and encouraging my son to mature into a responsible adult”

Extra-Curricular Activities


The school enjoys the facilities provided by having a multi-use Sports Centre on site along with a functional and accessible fitness suite and the municipal swimming pool within walking distance. These, together with the extensive playing fields, ensure first-class provision for indoor and outdoor sport including football, cricket, rugby, athletics, cross-Country, swimming, tennis, table-tennis, gymnastics, badminton, rounders, volleyball, basketball, netball and a range of individual interests. Certainly we have a wide range of clubs and teams to complement the provision for sport in lesson time. Thomas Adams students have achieved success and honours at area, county, national and international level and our teams have regularly won county titles.


The School’s music centre offers excellent facilities and there are many weekly musical activities open to students, e.g. choir, string orchestra, orchestra, windband, brass ensemble, band and AdJazz. As well as these groups there are regular opportunities to play all genres of music, from chamber to rock. Regular performances take place throughout the year in which students, parents and staff participate, both in and outside of school. Some are large scale concerts, but there are other events such as recital evenings. There is also a school production each year in which many of our musicians get involved as singers and performers.

Many students opt to have instrumental lessons at Thomas Adams at a subsidised rate. The range of instruments on offer includes the full range of string, woodwind and brass instruments as well as voice, guitar and percussion. We also offer much expertise in music technology and have excellent recording facilities.

Music plays a vitally important part in the life of Thomas Adams School and we are proud of the quality and range of musical experiences that are on offer to students.

Other Extra-Curricular Activities

Overall there are lots of opportunities for students to participate in a variety of activities and visits both at home and abroad. These range from activities closely related to the curriculum (e.g. Field work in Biology and Geography, visits to mosques or castles, a study or exchange visit to France) to visits of a more recreational nature e.g. Arthog, ski trips, visits to London etc.

Many clubs and activities take place in the lunch hour or after school e.g. Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels for students aged 14+ and 16+, Computer Club and a variety of Sports clubs to complement our music, drama and media activities. Also more recently we have a school Eco group, the School Newspaper ‘The Student’s Herald’, Warhammer and the ‘Adams Aware’ Environment club which often looks at wider issues and charity events.

There are a variety of theatre visits for all age groups, ranging from stop-overs in London to evening performances in Shrewsbury, Stoke, Liverpool or Birmingham. Productions take in all interests from Shakespeare to pantomime.

Students can always stay on in school to study and the Library and IT rooms are open for use at lunchtime and after school.

Sport at Thomas Adams
School music band
School Games Gold Award 2022/23
School music band

Please find all the key documents you may require in the link below, which have been made available for you to download. Should you have any further queries please contact us: Phone: 01939 237000, email: contactus@tas.318education.co.uk

The Thomas Adams School
Lowe Hill
SY4 5UB 

01939 237000

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