Your son/daughter will be studying Design Technology this year. The programme of study is divided into five assessment topics, studied on a carousel system across the year. As directed by the National Curriculum they will explore different materials including food, fabric, metal, wood and acrylic. In order to provide students with a varied and broad experience throughout the year. We politely request a contribution towards the cost of materials used in each subject area. This contribution enables us to provide students with a far superior and quality experience. This is an annual and not termly contribution. Payments can be made either by cash or cheque made payable to Shropshire Council.

Design Technology is a compulsory subject at Key Stage Three including Food Technology. If you should experience difficulties either providing ingredients during their Food Technology rotation or the monetary contribution please contact the school for assistance.

If your son/daughter suffers from any food allergies or medical conditions that may affect their D & T experience or safety in the department please ensure the department teachers are informed immediately.

Finally, we always welcome all donations of unwanted materials for example fabric, wool, thread, wood or acrylic. This enables us to minimise or reduce student charges in the future. As the year progresses examples of students’ work will be posted on the D & T section of our Moodle website.

Thank you for your support and contributions.

Yours faithfully

Mrs S Ellis

Teacher in charge of D & T


To: Mrs Ellis

Name: ______________________________________________________________ Form: _______________

I am willing to provide £8 towards material costs ¨

(Cheques should be made payable to Shropshire Council with your child’s name, form and D&T written

on the reverse)

My son/daughter receives free school meals and so I am not able to contribute ¨

My son/daughter does/does not suffer from any medical conditions/allergies. (Please list if they do).

Signed: ________________________________________________ (Parent/Carer) Date: _________________

The Thomas Adams School
Lowe Hill
SY4 5UB 

01939 237000

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